- Movies
TV Shows
- 24
- Agents of Shield
- Ahsoka TV series
- Airwolf
- Archer TV Series
- Arrow TV Show
- Astro Boy TV Series
- Attack on Titan
- A-Team TV show
- Babylon 5
- Battlestar Galactica
- Baywatch
- Big Bang Theory
- Blakes 7
- Blue Thunder
- Breaking Bad
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
- Bones
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Captain Scarlet
- Charmed
- Chuck
- The Clone Wars
- Cobra Kai
- Continuum
- Dark Matter
- Defiance
- Doctor Who
- Eureka
- The Expanse
- Fallout
- Family Guy
- Farscape
- Fireball XL5 tv show
- Firefly
- Friends
- Fringe
- Futurama
- Game of Thrones
- Ghost In The Shell
- Good Omens
- Haven
- Heroes
- Invader Zim
- Jericho
- Land of the Giants
- Lost
- Lucifer
- Lost in Space
- Man From Uncle
- The Mandalorian
- Married with Children
- Max Headroom
- My Little Pony
- Peaky Blinders
- Primeval
- Red Dwarf
- Revolution
- Quantum Leap
- Salvage 1
- Saturn 3
- Seaquest
- Sherlock tv show
- The Simpsons
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smallville
- Space 1999
- Speed Racer
- Squid Games
- Supernatural
- Sons of Anarchy
- Space Above and Beyond
- Sponge Bob
- Star Trek
- Stargate SG1
- Stranger Things Netflix TV show
- Thunderbirds
- The TIme Tunnel
- Torchwood
- Trublood
- The Twilight Zone
- Xena The Warrior Princess
- The X Files
- The Umbrella Academy
- The Venture Bros
- Voltron
- Voyage to The Bottom of The Sea
- The Walking Dead
- Warehouse 13
- Westworld
- Wonder Woman
- Gaming
- Miscellaneous
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All patches and pins from the Torchwood TV show can be found in this section on our shop.